I love
www.walkscore.com Check it out, you might find places in your neighborhood you never even knew about. Also, currently obsessed with the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Ever heard of
John Titor? He was (allegedly) a time traveler from 2036 back in our time around 2000, for personal reasons on his way back home from picking up an old computer in 1970something. John posted comments and answered questions online for about 4 months and then nothing. Believers say he went "home" to 2036 but maybe he just started taking his meds again. He made several predictions, some of which seem to be happening, like the CERN experiment, proliferation of digital vs. film cameras, elimination of cell phones in favor of web based service, mad cow disease, erosion of constitutional rights, the US government as enemy of Russia and some more. I guess if you were really paying attention in 2000 you could make the same predictions. Many of his predictions haven't come true as well. One being the break up of the US presidency into 5 parts. 5 leaders creating less political in fighting that is screwing up our current system. Also a decentralized presidency with a focus on local and state level politics. I always have found voting in the federal election almost useless. I still vote but its the local vote that matters. I don't know if I believe any of it, but it is fun to think about. My drivers license doesn't expire until 2036!